Friday 12 October 2012

Miltons leviathan.

Its nearing the end of  the week and all the individual sprites and art assets have been built, I think next week will be more theory and really nailing how I want this game to play. I'll be doing a few bits and pieces with sound and the background style, at this point I just want to get all the little pieces of leviathan together ready for white boxing,  playtesting will be very important and I really want to start this process over Christmas so I really need the basics put together by then.

Some exciting things in the works.

This is some pages from my copy of Miltons paradise lost regarding the leviathan. the art is by Gustave Dore and is part of my research not just because of the tonal qualities in the picture but also how he frames the vast leviathan, its given me an idea for a similar in game shot. Miltons writing has really helped me think about my game in more of a visual perspective, miltons writing seems very visual to me and replicating this slightly could improve my writing, something to experiment with.

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